Become A Supporter

All supporters must be ages 18 years or older to contribute to Lushuous Arts.

Please support Lushuous Arts in the development of Promiscuous Point with a monthly membership via the following platforms:

Users will be charged instantly upon becoming a new member. Afterwards, users will be charged on the 1st of each month. *It is highly recommended that users register for a new membership at the beginning of the month. Users will not get a pro-rated membership rate or refund if they register in the middle or towards the end of the month* 

Users may cancel their membership at any time. If a user does cancel, their membership and access to content will last until the end of the current month.

You can also support Lushuous Arts via these platforms:

*Users will not receive monthly memberships/member benefits with or Ko-fi.*

Monthly Membership Tiers (Patreon & SubscribeStar Adult)

*Tier levels, pricing and member benefits can be changed at any time. Lushuous Arts will inform all members of any changes in advance.

*Lushuous Arts offers a PIQUE YOUR CURIOSITY tier in SubscribeStar Adult that is free. However, members in this tier will only receive email notifications (without getting any of the other member benefits/rewards).

Click the images below to view details about each tier.




